How to Install Flash On Your iPhone 4 Using Frash

Okay we got it: Steve Jobs doesn’t like Flash. So there is no way in the near future that Apple will officially allow Flash on its iPhones, iPads or iPod Touch, but that doesn’t stop 3rd-party programmers from trying it. Comex released Frash for iPhone so now you can play Flash if your iPhone 4 is jailbroken.
Here’s how.
1. Jailbreak your iPhone 4. You can easily do so by visiting on your iPhone’s safari and slide to jailbreak. Alternatively, you can use redsn0w, PwnageTool, or Sprint to jailbreak your iPhone.
2. Launch Cydia from your home screen. In the bottom bar, tap on Manage.
3. Select Sources, then tap on Edit at the top right corner.
4. Tap on Add in the top left corner, and there will be a window popping up that says “Enter Cydia/APT URL”.
5. Enter “” after “http://” in the blank, and tap on “Add Source”. Cydia will start downloading releases and reloading data. Let it finish and press “Done” at the top right corner.
6. In the bottom bar, tap on “Search”, in the upper search bar, search for “frash”.
7. Tap on “frash” in the results, and hit “Install” button at the top right corner.
8. Let it finish and reboot your iPhone.
Enjoy your iPhone now equipped with flash capability.
Although, Frash is still in its early stage and can crash from time to time. Also, now it doesn’t run Flash video contents such as YouTube, but for simple Flash contents, it should be able to play. It’s a good start and surely it will be upgraded frequently.
Tell us how Frash goes on your iPhone.
Tip: you can also install Frash Toggle to enable or disable it in SBS whenever you want.